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The Ouimet Scholarship Fund

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June 2024

Dear Taconic Members,

As a club, we are proud to support the Francis Ouimet Scholarship Fund “Bag Tag” Program. In light of the historic 75th Anniversary of the Fund and the current economic conditions for these Scholars, The Fund has “suggested” the member donation to the Bag Tag program of $75.  The Fund has now impacted more than 6,600 young people who have worked in the golf industry in Massachusetts, including the 450 current Scholars. Thanks to the generosity of our membership, we can help these young people meet their increasing financial need. Recent Financial and Honorary Ouimet Scholar recipients from Taconic Golf Club are:

Ainsley Abel* – Williams College ‘27

Henry Art* – Davidson College ‘27

Joshua Polumbo – St. Lawrence University ‘26

Henry Sniezek – Worcester Polytechnic Institute ‘24

Finn Welch – Springfield College ‘24

*Honorary Scholars receive a nominal Financial Award

The Ouimet Scholarship is a need-based, four-year renewable award that helps many students significantly lighten the burden of college tuition. Without this help, many students would unfortunately not be able to stay enrolled in college.    Ouimet stats show:

  • Ouimet Scholars graduate within four years at a 91% rate (compared to 57% nationally)
  • Ouimet Scholars maintain a 3.4 GPA Average
  • The average 4-year award is over $35,000 to be used towards a college of the Scholar’s choice.
  • More than 450 Annual Scholars represent 116 clubs and 143 colleges across the country.
  • The Fund has committed to awarding $3 Million in Scholarships annually.
  • The Fund received a record number of new scholarship applicants for next fall.

Every year, we hear how the membership at Taconic Golf Club has left a positive impact on the young men and women working at the club. They express the skills they have learned from all of you and what it takes to be a successful individual. THANK YOU for your contributions last year of $11,000.00. I am happy to report that our scholars received MORE THAN DOUBLE the amount raised! Hopefully you will consider the “suggested” donation of $75.00 in support of the “Bag Tag” program.  Upon receipt of your donation the pro shop will attach tags to those bags that are in club storage. If your clubs are not in storage or you do not receive your tag, please see the pro shop. If you have questions or want to discuss the Ouimet program, contact a committee member directly.


Taconic Golf Club Ouimet Fund Committee

Joe Truskowski, Andrew Art, Andrew Budz, Josh Hillman, Ouimet Scholar 2000, Duffy Judge, Ouimet Scholar 1994


The Ouimet Fund is designated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with tax id:04-2234126.

The full amount of your Bag Tag contribution will go directly to scholarships.

Email:         Chris Walsh to make a donation.

Name:________________________________________           Account Number_______

Amount of Donation:______________________ Check Enclosed___ Charge Account:___

Current Ouimet Scholars

Donate to the The Ouimet Scholarship Fund

Please email to let us know how much you would like to donate.